
Buying and selling a business

When determining the price of a business, 2-5 years of EBITDA (annual profit after deducting depreciation of fixed assets) is often taken. However, this is not a completely correct determination of the final price. It is necessary to take into account the indicators of the company’s financial statements, the value of available long-term and short-term assets, liabilities, debts, reputation, business perspective, etc. Selling a business involves negotiations between the seller and the buyer. And sometimes, if there is more than one buyer for the business, the price of the business for sale may even exceed the seller’s expectations.

Sale of business

Tips on how to prepare for the sale of a business, find the right buyer, sell a business and increase its value.

Buying a business

Buying a business can help increase the company’s profits, expand geographically, expand the range of services, and find new customers.

Fund raising

Our knowledge of the market and how financiers value different types of business means we can help you find financing on better terms than you would on your own.

Strategic advice

If you are at the crossroads of buying a business, expert advice can help you decide which direction to go. We can help you with business planning.

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